19 episodes about european-union

Ep 1142: EU Cannot Back Down In Northern Ireland Protocol Row With UK

Naomi O'Leary reports from Brussels on the recent G7 and NATO summits.

Ep 1105: Europe – Migrants Out, Holiday Makers In

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times, talks to Eamon about immigration arguments in Europe, and the prospect of summer holidays on the continent.

Ep 1005: Europe Gets Tough With AstraZeneca

Naomi O'Leary, Europe Correspondent with the Irish Times, reports from Brussels on the tension between the European Union and vaccine producer AstraZeneca.

Ep 959: Brexit – Time To Make Your Mind Up, EU Tells Britain

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times, joins Eamon to discuss the tense final stages of the the Brexit negotiations between the EU and Britain.

Ep 886: Crunch Time For Brexit As Boris Meets Ursula Von Der Leyen

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times, reports from Brussels.

Ep 874: Covid In Europe And Brexit Talks On The Brink

Naomi O'Leary, Irish Times Europe Correspondent and host of the Irish Passport podcast, reports from Brussels.

Ep 798: Europe Divided On Pandemic Bailout – Angela Merkel's Greatest Challenge

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent with the Irish Times and host of the Irish Passport podcast, talks to Eamon about the EU's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Ep 738: Covid Debt Crisis Poses Mortal Threat to Europe

Naomi O'Leary, Europe correspondent for the Irish Times, tells Eamon about a dramatic new ruling the German Constitutional Court that could threaten the future of the EU.

Ep 452: From Beef to Bankers to the Backstop

We need to talk about the EU's cynical treatment of Ireland. Patricia McKenna joins Eamon in the studio.

Ep 384: Brexit - Patricia McKenna talks to Eamon

Patricia McKenna and Eamon discuss the most recent developments in Brexit negotiations.

Ep 383: A nation humbled - Britain's Brexit chaos.

Brendan O'Neill of Spiked On-line talks to Eamon.

Ep 359: The Border. The key piece in the Brexit jigsaw.

Diarmaid Ferriter, Professor of Modern Irish History at UCD, talks to Eamon about the enduring relevance of the Irish border.

Ep 345: Brexit: No deal crash out looms large.

Brendan O'Neill, leading Brexit advocate, on the chaos in the House of Commons.

Ep 327: Brexit: will Europe throw Ireland to the wolves?

Patricia McKenna talks to Eamon about Ireland's mistake in backing the EU and alienating Britain.

Ep 322: Shane Ross is not helping with Brexit preparations

Verona Murphy, President of the Irish Road Haulage Association, joins Eamon to discuss the implications of a no deal Brexit, and suggests that Minister for Transport Shane Ross is not doing enough to help industry prepare.

Ep 321: Brendan O'Neill

Following Theresa May's comprehensive defeat in the House of Commons, Eamon is joined by Brendan O'Neill, editor of Spiked Online, to discuss the consequences and what happens next.

Ep 319: What will Brexit cost Ireland?

As the vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal approaches, Eamon is joined by economist Jim Power to discuss the possible consequences for the Irish economy.

Ep 316: Can Macron survive the Gilets Jaunes?

Eamon is joined on the line by Lara Marlowe, Paris correspondent of the Irish Times, to discuss the ongoing protests in France, and asks if President Emmanuel Macron can survive.