7 episodes about hse

Ep 812: Cervical Check Scandal – Official Ireland's Shameless Torture of Its Victims

In the wake of Ruth Morrissey's death, her solicitor Cian O'Carroll talks to Eamon about the ongoing battle for justice.

Ep 608: The health crisis: where does the buck stop?

Phil Ni Sheaghdha, general secretary of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, talks to Eamon about the major issues affecting the Irish health system.

Ep 164: Eddie Molloy on the Irish culture of impunity

After the story involving Vicky Phelan broke and caused outrage, Eddie Molloy argues that the culture of impunity will remain as long as people are not held personally accountable for their actions, and that because of this the next scandal is never far away.

Ep 42: Dr. Peter Boylan Talks Exclusively to The Stand

In an interview with Eamon Dunphy, Dr. Peter Boylan suggests that one of the problems with the National Maternity Hospital project was that Minister Simon Harris was 'looking for a win'. He tells Eamon about his belief that the board was looking for a state of the art facility at any cost and was therefore blinded to the gravity of the situation they now find themselves in.

Ep 31: Professor John Crown on the Irish Health Service and Being Forced to Retire at 65

Professor John Crown is Ireland's most eminent consultant oncologist and a former member of the Seanad. He joins Eamon to discuss his career in the American and Irish health services, what politicians should be doing to remedy the situation.

Ep 28: Eddie Molloy on Why Irish Scandals Remain Unresolved

Eddie Molloy is a leading management consultant who has formerly consulted with the IDA, the HSE and the Department of the Taoiseach. He joins Eamon on this episode of The Stand to talk about the 'Grace' scandal, Garda scandals, the Tuam mother and baby home and to reveal why Irish whistleblowers should be very afraid.

Ep 25: A Nurse's Story

Ahead of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation's work-to-rule industrial action from March 7th, Eamon Dunphy is joined by Moira Craig, an A&E nurse at Beaumont Hospital. Moira speaks about daily life in the emergency department, conditions in the industry and the lure of emigration. "They've been paving the cracks for so long, but there's just nothing left in the tank," she says.